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I found this little globe beach ball when we were cleaning out our office today. Probably could have taken a little more time setting up the picture ... but you get the idea. :-) Picture taken 22 Mar 2010 - by Todd Morris/flickrWorld in hand
Foto di Jon Feinstein/flickrClean house
Autore Paul Downey/flickrOne World - One Web
Foto di Steven Zwerink/flickrWesterpark - Globes
Foto di Letizia Barbi/flickrGlobe
Foto di woodleywonderworks/flickrEvery day is earth day
Foto di F. Delventhal/flickrWorld of Orchids
Foto di Steve Snodgrass/flickrLove to Your Mother
I've got the world on a string I'm sitting on a rainbow Got that string around my finger What a world, what a life - I'm in love! The idea popped up in my mind suddenly, I wanted to take pics of places I love, but then I remembered of light painting. I know it is not what I did, yet it made me think about light movement in the darkness. And so this is the result. Foto di Valentina Storti/flickrI've got the world on a string
Foto di Steve Hodgson/flickrSilver globe
Foto di Lucy Gray/flickrGlobe Factory
Foto di Lucy Gray/flickrGlobe Factory Field Trip
Foto di Sini Merikallio/flickrPawed Earth
To many childhood favorites, like globes and sleeping bags and much more... Foto di Maureen Didde/flickrSaying goodbye...
I got this globe in first grade, like on earth day or something. I'm kind of surprised how outdated it is, for even then, it would have been 1996 or 1997, I don't see a date when it was made though. All the major land marks noted on the tiny map are odd as well, but these two stood out. Foto di Sarah Jones/flickrGlobe Keychain
Foto di Angel Luis Gonzalez-Bonilla/flickrA girl whith a world globe
Foto di Kevin Lawver/flickrHe's Got the Whooole Woooorld In His Hands
Foto di eren {sea+prairie}/flickrWatching the world
Foto di Pen Waggener/flickrTo Infinity and Beyond, As Soon as You Clean up This Room...
Foto di Michael Duxbury/flickrBut is it art?
Foto di stvcr/Steve/flickrMade in China
Foto di Sebi Covaci/flickrMother Earth
Foto di Mike Goren/flickrMarion with the Earth
Foto di Nomadic Lass/flickr240:365 - World in Pieces
“Se ogni uomo o donna riuscisse a capire quanto ogni altra vita umana è piena di dolore, o gioia, o tentazioni, di pene del cuore o di rimorsi come se fossero i propri … quanto gentili, quanto dolci essi sarebbero”.
William Allen White
Altri contenuti su questi temi: Terra