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album di martinak15/flickrProject 365
album di martinak15/flickrWash Away the Past
Yes, it’s a dead deer. I went back and forth in my head about posting it. I've had the idea for a while, and I decided randomly to do it today. I have to tell you, it wasn't fun. I gagged about ten times. I love this photo, but every time I see it I'm startled. I know there will be many of you who don't like this because of the dead animal, but I like it and that's all that matters, right? Please give me your opinion. Do you like it? Love it? Hate it? Please just let me know, because I know it's different from other things I've done. album di martinak15/flickrMy Little Friend, I'll Put You Back Together.
album di martinak15/flickr"And the heart is hard to translate, It has a language of it's own."
album di martinak15/flickrUntitled
album di martinak15/flickr"Let the Rain Wash Away All the Pain of Yesterday"
album di martinak15/flickrUntitled
This mattress was a pain in the neck! I had to drag it up a hill and into the woods! But It was worth it. I think. album di martinak15/flickrUntitled
album di martinak15/flickrAfter the Storm
album di martinak15/flickrClovers
album di martinak15/flickrSparkle
album di martinak15/flickrWater
album di martinak15/flickrLast Breath
album di martinak15/flickrAt One With Nature
album di martinak15/flickrAfter the Storm
album di martinak15/flickrRainy Autumn

Foto di Martina/Flickr
Hey! I'm Martina! I'm 15 and in 10th grade. Photography is my passion. It's my creative outlet and my source of showing what I want to say when I don't quite know how to put it in words. It's more than a hobby, it's a part of my life. <3
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Gli autoritratti di Martina, abitare la natura con la propria arte.
Nella presentazione scritta su Flickr Martina, 15 anni, dice «la fotografia è la mia passione. È il mio sbocco creativo per mostrare ciò che non so bene esprimere a parole». Le sue foto ci riportano ad un senso interiore del linguaggio che traduce l’intesa tensione alla riconciliazione con la natura